哇哇哇 ~~ DX 现在真的读书了 -______-
其实还有很多的 / 口 \
这个星期二就把我们Form4的Orentation结束了 !! =D *总算 / ▽ \ 哈哈
可是呢 > X < 就在我们完了Orentation就要拿课本了 =口
不久又要多了几本 =^ 因为现在拿的课本都是国文的 !!
包括数学 !!=口 !! 我不接受 T ^ T
还有我....................也要换班了 !! -__________-
对不起我的字很丑 - ^ -
我在我班 @ 口 @ 我要奔溃了!! 快疯了 !!
老师一开始教课, The girl name Grace Hii will felt asleep !!XD
是真的啦 =X 因为我的心不在Canna
多想要换班了 !!! =( Begonia , 为什么你不要我 ?!
还有有一个好处就是Begonia有ACCOUNT ! =)
是我的兴趣吗? 或许吧~ 只是要多勤劳了 > ^ < 这次一定做得更好
只是 -_______- 来临的考试就在3月 , 必需拿的好成绩
什么东西嘛 -______- 如果题目出了一些没有教过的话呢 / 口 \ *借口!!
只能说加油吧 ~ =^
XD 很好笑哦 !! 我觉得啦~~
今年KasaRwari , 不知道会不会拿第一名 XD 因为去年KasaRwari拿了第一
可是呢~~XD 今年或许还是会, 或许不会
今年的KasaRwari 很多华人 !!=D 也要知道我们在这个学校的华人很SPORTING的
=3 都不会拿节目 XD 因为怕黑 =D 然后就懒惰 X)
这就是我们学校的华人 , 应该拉XD
为什么在KasaRwari ? 因为选着的时候找一个通风的地方坐咯~ =)
这样才比较舒服一点的说 XD
华人华人一群 XD 很明显的说 , 也最好笑的一群 XP
Kacau 我&他什么的咯 -______- 还做什么结婚证书?XD 就是照片的那个
我们全部大画大写 ~XD 知道是玩得 , 有时配合下 -____- 这样他们就没有话好说了XD
我们 =) 很好玩 , 一期玩得时候一定是最HIGH的那个 =3
今年不知道还有没有机会跟你们再HIGH了 @ ^ @
Going Shopping with mom Thursday whole days? and night
Of course got my Kiwi & Strawberry waffles but sorry I din't take the photo
X . X Shopping with mom almost PEKCEK !!X(
All just only my mom's stuff -______- But I was full on my dinner ~XD
All snacks -____- GOSH , not fat ? I'm not the one eat liao lorh / 口 \ Can't ACCEPT IT!!
Almost Chinese New Year lerh -____- The tummy big like a girl pregnant 3months
For me larh~~XDD Complaining on myself loves to eat and eat and eat > 口 <
My brother said me only know eat nia XD
Sorry lorh~ =X my hobbies ?XD Don't pengsan arh~~
Friday , 爱新年 !!!!XD
Hey , You're going ? =^
Not see-ing many I knowed de lerh =O but the SHOWS is NICE!!
Just wished bring my Apple too , hehe~ I know i'm day-dreaming -_____-
Too many people ler DX FOOOOSHH~~ *sweat-ing
Going back almost 11 pm? plus up mom going to Jing WOod eat some dinner?
She said she's hungry , bt I'm not -_____- No appetite to eat it
And ...............theres no Water service -______-
Throw the water on them arh !! > @ <
Saturday youth =O !! have to learn song !!
But sorry , I'm late for that , cause of tuition -_______- Damn teacher / ^ \
arrived at church almost 12 pm O . O and eat my lunch ,
But Ah ming din't eat her lunch then asking a car to fetch Me , Ah ming , Heidi , Mary to McD
XD Then suddenly think dao my Apple will having me a McD too
But at last also don;t have , Luckily ?-______-
Nevermind , =) Just wanted Apple in front me and have some time with me ? =(
Then finish their lunch then go to church with Heidi's Car , =X thankyou~~
Begin our Youth , have some Game =3 hehehehe~ Holding hands with Apple XD *扮花痴 XD
But just a while -____- and is me the one begin to hold his hand , macam I'm the one Boy -___-
Fun game xia de lo~~XD Not bad larh~ Then begin the Worship
@ @'' felt Dizzy that time , HUUSSHH~ Headache -_____-
After then have some talk with Apple , =X AT LAST !!!
Waiting the time is really LONG !!! T_________T but during Worship =X
Some memories appeared on my mind including some Question About Apple
Its make me felt Unhappy -______- Sad karh acctually ~ just wanna to cry that time / ^ \
HAIZ ~~ Apple , A whole week din't talk to you , Its really make me miss you soooo much !
=( He gonna go to his tuition and I'm going to Choir , Felt lazy , ( the 1st time !!)
Then I told Choir monitor that I wont go for tommoro's
But its really very less people @ . @ only 3 girls going tommorow
Speechless.. > X < Then going back after the Choir / 口 \
Been scared by 孔忠 , He bring Us ( sitting for fu ying che de people ) back lorh~
Then taking Stupid pictures again , hahaha
Just Wonder Why I'm so fat and have a Stupid face -______-
Reach Home late , 530 pm? I think so
Then preparing my Old Lens -________- All , .......................Donno how to say lw
But now using the new one =O What name , I'm forgot le =X
And my Apple said its cute ? =O Weird I'm using Contact Lens , Not always using it le larh
@ @'' hahahahahaha~~ once a time? hehe =X
And getting A scar on his hand ? -_________- Then Now I will be the one scar on him !!
='( Know it Babe Apple ? I can't Stand it any more? ='(
Beside that , Happy Diary Valentine day to Apple and Bloggers too =')
Be happy Guys !!
其实还有很多的 / 口 \
这个星期二就把我们Form4的Orentation结束了 !! =D *总算 / ▽ \ 哈哈
可是呢 > X < 就在我们完了Orentation就要拿课本了 =口
不久又要多了几本 =^ 因为现在拿的课本都是国文的 !!
包括数学 !!=口 !! 我不接受 T ^ T
还有我....................也要换班了 !! -__________-
对不起我的字很丑 - ^ -
我在我班 @ 口 @ 我要奔溃了!! 快疯了 !!
老师一开始教课, The girl name Grace Hii will felt asleep !!XD
是真的啦 =X 因为我的心不在Canna
多想要换班了 !!! =( Begonia , 为什么你不要我 ?!
还有有一个好处就是Begonia有ACCOUNT ! =)
是我的兴趣吗? 或许吧~ 只是要多勤劳了 > ^ < 这次一定做得更好
只是 -_______- 来临的考试就在3月 , 必需拿的好成绩
什么东西嘛 -______- 如果题目出了一些没有教过的话呢 / 口 \ *借口!!
只能说加油吧 ~ =^
XD 很好笑哦 !! 我觉得啦~~
今年KasaRwari , 不知道会不会拿第一名 XD 因为去年KasaRwari拿了第一
可是呢~~XD 今年或许还是会, 或许不会
今年的KasaRwari 很多华人 !!=D 也要知道我们在这个学校的华人很SPORTING的
=3 都不会拿节目 XD 因为怕黑 =D 然后就懒惰 X)
这就是我们学校的华人 , 应该拉XD
为什么在KasaRwari ? 因为选着的时候找一个通风的地方坐咯~ =)
这样才比较舒服一点的说 XD
华人华人一群 XD 很明显的说 , 也最好笑的一群 XP
Kacau 我&他什么的咯 -______- 还做什么结婚证书?XD 就是照片的那个
我们全部大画大写 ~XD 知道是玩得 , 有时配合下 -____- 这样他们就没有话好说了XD
我们 =) 很好玩 , 一期玩得时候一定是最HIGH的那个 =3
今年不知道还有没有机会跟你们再HIGH了 @ ^ @
Going Shopping with mom Thursday whole days? and night
![]() |
I know, Just ignore me , I cut my HAIR !!! |
![]() |
This , Doraemon's ball =O Chocolate XD |
X . X Shopping with mom almost PEKCEK !!X(
All just only my mom's stuff -______- But I was full on my dinner ~XD
All snacks -____- GOSH , not fat ? I'm not the one eat liao lorh / 口 \ Can't ACCEPT IT!!
Almost Chinese New Year lerh -____- The tummy big like a girl pregnant 3months
For me larh~~XDD Complaining on myself loves to eat and eat and eat > 口 <
My brother said me only know eat nia XD
Sorry lorh~ =X my hobbies ?XD Don't pengsan arh~~
Friday , 爱新年 !!!!XD
Hey , You're going ? =^
Not see-ing many I knowed de lerh =O but the SHOWS is NICE!!
Just wished bring my Apple too , hehe~ I know i'm day-dreaming -_____-
Too many people ler DX FOOOOSHH~~ *sweat-ing
Going back almost 11 pm? plus up mom going to Jing WOod eat some dinner?
She said she's hungry , bt I'm not -_____- No appetite to eat it
And ...............theres no Water service -______-
Throw the water on them arh !! > @ <
Saturday youth =O !! have to learn song !!
But sorry , I'm late for that , cause of tuition -_______- Damn teacher / ^ \
arrived at church almost 12 pm O . O and eat my lunch ,
But Ah ming din't eat her lunch then asking a car to fetch Me , Ah ming , Heidi , Mary to McD
XD Then suddenly think dao my Apple will having me a McD too
But at last also don;t have , Luckily ?-______-
Nevermind , =) Just wanted Apple in front me and have some time with me ? =(
Then finish their lunch then go to church with Heidi's Car , =X thankyou~~
Begin our Youth , have some Game =3 hehehehe~ Holding hands with Apple XD *扮花痴 XD
But just a while -____- and is me the one begin to hold his hand , macam I'm the one Boy -___-
Fun game xia de lo~~XD Not bad larh~ Then begin the Worship
@ @'' felt Dizzy that time , HUUSSHH~ Headache -_____-
After then have some talk with Apple , =X AT LAST !!!
Waiting the time is really LONG !!! T_________T but during Worship =X
Some memories appeared on my mind including some Question About Apple
Its make me felt Unhappy -______- Sad karh acctually ~ just wanna to cry that time / ^ \
HAIZ ~~ Apple , A whole week din't talk to you , Its really make me miss you soooo much !
=( He gonna go to his tuition and I'm going to Choir , Felt lazy , ( the 1st time !!)
Then I told Choir monitor that I wont go for tommoro's
But its really very less people @ . @ only 3 girls going tommorow
Speechless.. > X < Then going back after the Choir / 口 \
Been scared by 孔忠 , He bring Us ( sitting for fu ying che de people ) back lorh~
Then taking Stupid pictures again , hahaha
![]() |
Reach Home late , 530 pm? I think so
Then preparing my Old Lens -________- All , .......................Donno how to say lw
But now using the new one =O What name , I'm forgot le =X
And my Apple said its cute ? =O Weird I'm using Contact Lens , Not always using it le larh
@ @'' hahahahahaha~~ once a time? hehe =X
And getting A scar on his hand ? -_________- Then Now I will be the one scar on him !!
='( Know it Babe Apple ? I can't Stand it any more? ='(
Beside that , Happy Diary Valentine day to Apple and Bloggers too =')
Be happy Guys !!
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