Monday, April 30, 2012

上来 :) Updated

说真的 -_____-'' 我确实很久没上来了 
> . < 对自己很过不去 :O

在我没UpdatedBlog的时刻 :) 好多事情发生 
酸 , 甜 , 苦 , 辣
样样都有 X) 只是有些忘记了X)
就在回忆中自己慢慢的回念就好啦 :)

哈哈哈 , 现在都是几个星期来更新几次吧 @ @''
:) McDonald !! 应该都是每个人的最爱吧 XD
又方便 :P 可是减肥的人啊 
还是尽量少吃 X^ 还有
我要澄清 !! :( 我这个月说我要减肥可是我这个月算是少吃了 
McD 确实我每天嘴里说的食物 , 可是我也是在学习不去多吃了啦!!
:( 很多人不信的说 :^ 很不甘愿啦!!
Look into my eyes xDD!! I'm saying the truth :P
眼睛会像Edit的吗?:O 再澄清 , 这个没有Edit , 可是有Edit光罢了 
不好意思啦 :)
当天晚上, :目 
这个是像酒里的其中一位 :)
闻起来很香很甜 :O 其实它很苦 > ^ <
For a beginner 来说是有点苦 :X *我就是 
可是我很喜欢 :D 喝了也接近1 Litre吧 :3
满足 XD 算是Vodka吗?:O 40% Alcohol 
再等几年下来 , 我要知道所有酒的味道 :D 现在可惜的是- -''
我..........红酒还不会喝 -______-''
通常红酒都会喝先才会其他的XD 可是我是相反的 :3
这个喝了过后全身发热 :O 然后再忙着察汗 XD

隔天啊 /______\ 没做工
可是连Updated Blog都没有空 - -''

感谢主 :) 总算能出去散心了 :| 
可是还是很多的烦恼 :( 慢慢的市区了什么感觉
好可怕 D: 以上的东西都是我自己$$买的 -_____-''
可是护手的&面膜是妈妈的 :)
这个熊熊是我新买的香水 :3 还有3个口味 D:
不够钱 :^ 慢慢的收藏 :D 都很可爱啦 
谁知道哪间店看到英群在做工 XD 吓倒下咯 :)
都认不出对方了 :) 很开心看到你 :D 我们要时常联络了 XD
过后要回家的时候快快的叫爸爸带我去BankIn > . <
不然没有时间了啦 D: 怕顶的东西会没有货
所以要快 :)

过两天 :O 星期六货来了XD
:) 可惜这只是包装 > . < 根本没有这个东西 Dx


这是Angel 的 :) 

This mine XD :3
还有这个 :3 嘻嘻嘻 XP
:) 晚上有什么原住民什么表演的 :D 
真的很好看!!! :D <3
我给他们一个大大的赞 :3 真的不错啦 , 舞蹈很美 , 歌声很高 ,
他们:D 算厉害了 !!
刚好就趁时候穿那是买的衣服了 :D 我穿Adidas的 :)
不错啦 /___\ 配了接近半个钟-____-'' 不知道要怎样才好看
还有三福 :^ 总算完了 , 只是等营会罢了
可是 我好有压力 ;') 开始以为很难, 后来也不错
可是自己给自己的压力 , 实在够多了
后来人不住 , 坚强不料自己 , 也隐藏不了自己
就只好快快的躲起来安慰自己 , 反省自己 ,鼓励自己 :')
后来还是谢谢阿琪的帮忙 , 你的安慰算是帮助了我不少
谢谢 :')

现在要进入五月的份了 :)
怎么还没有开始多温习功课阿?! / 口 \

在怎么开心 , 谁会知道你是伤心的 ?x)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

换新 ? :D

:D hahaahahahahaha!!
本娘也够就没上来了 -____-''
有点时间来更新 :D  
好奇的问 :3 有想我吗?? 应该是说有想我来更新吗??xD
不好意思啦@ @'' 本娘这几个月都会有点忙 
我做大生意 :D 骗你的 :X 
只是帮爸爸妈妈做工 > . < 也把自己搞忙了 -口-''
也把Blog换了妆 x3 觉得如何?

过几个星期又要来考试了 :O 其他的都不烦恼
除了 历史(SEJARAH) , CHEMISTRY(化学) !! @ 口 @''
物理(PHYSICS) 还好 , ADD MATH :D 有信心
MORAL(道德) -_-'' 厉害道德的人就是没道德的人xD 我很勉强可以 -^-''
Definisi 被Kong 教的有点......好笑xD 她拿来翻译 
还有PERDAGANGAN > 口 <'' erm......知道的也不多 Dx
其实最重要的是自己要努力读书+听课 :X 可是在班上 , 不知道做莫老师说的就是爱睡版的 
D: 这样对我............过不去 -____-''
整天算起来也有两三节都在钓鱼 :3 *我自己还敢说 /_______\

好消息 :D 先 / 口 \ '' 后面还有坏消息 :O
FIRST :D 跟 Fashion Soul Fashion 订的东西来了:3
xixixi :Derm~~ 不好意思 -____-'' 还有3个戒指还没拍 > . <
下次吧 :D 根这些衣服一起拍 :目
突然觉得 -____-'' 全部黑漆漆的咯 @ ^ @''
我很像笨蛋的感觉 Q 口 Q !!!!! OHNO!!
SECOND :)  有点Proud of myself XD 
因为自己打电话给PIZZAHUT order  xD
-___-'' 其实也没有什么的 , 也能算是坏消息
因为变肥肥 :^

 YUM YUM :X  如果这不肥的话我早就不吃了咯 XD!!

坏消息 > . < 很让我&爸爸妈妈的心痛的 另一件事
-_______-'' 我们家里的鱼死悄悄

不好意思 D:  拍得蒙蒙又不多 :X 
第二 -____-'' 还有我的指甲 !!D:
被老师抓到 / 口 \!! 剪到凸凸的手出来 T ^ T
做什么事都不习惯 @ @''!!


-_______-'' 每次很多人都是在我Updated Blog的时候Chat我
有点     想骂人~~!!!!!!!!!! - ^ -!!!
EDITED xD I know very fake / . \
Look like me or not?:O


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

今天放假 ?!

没错, 我们没有读书今天
可是.................我的放假跟没放假差不多 / 口 \
虽然早上比较慢起(自然醒 ) :) 还是要感恩啦 xP

我相信今天的一定会很多人去看电影 D:
很不幸的 :( 我不能去,要逛街跟不用说
什么都不能 , 而要把自己关在爸爸的店帮忙做工
不然就只是在家发霉 :'(


SHORT post here I think , Have to go /______\
Forgot what all I wanted to say :X
So ............ END。
:( going to work now :'(

Sunday, April 8, 2012

3 days holiday :)

Do you have fun in this 3 days school holidays ? > ^ <
My answer :: NOPE !! :( it's still not enough for me , Why I'm not the clever one 
So that I not need to spend my time on tuition here and there !! HAIZ !! 
plus up , in the holiday many events are going !! GOSH !!
:O I didn't anyone !! Example :: PC Fair -_-'' , shopping D: , Watching movies with friends ,
Celebrating friend's birthday D; , and many more -____-''
All spoil because I 've to help my parents to work in the shop @ @''
Unpatient on work now !! AARRGG!!

Today , -____-'' and last week played someone on message xDD!! [ My damn Ex ]
Cutey , Today He got a lovebite , :3 from his fiance -_____-''
( jealous ? Am I ? :O Maybe nope :) HEHEHEHE )
Maybe it's true there no more any feeling between both of us :)
But I will try to be more stronger than last time , I will tried to forget your dirty name 
XD laugh is what I'm tried to happy myself ,
KAKAKAKAKA :X and so do you :) Now , we are strangers xD
But I will think about you , about my last , the stupid me :') hehehe
Don't worry , I will be strong on love -__-'' and I will get marridge too one day :)
after I gradute and found my work , :D Money come in my pocket :3
Getting rich and have my time :目 HAHAHA
Thinking tooooooo much xD 

So now -___-'' I want to shout out !!
-______-'' Why there's no one believe on me ??GGGRRR~~
@ @'' Am I look like in relationship ? :O PITY me > . <
I'm tried to enjoy myself on single life xD !!
Latest few years never single :O but felt it before -_____-''
Everything past and now is thr truth :) 
I'm SINGLE :D proud of myself ?:) Kinda xPP

MUSIC !! > . < is  there new songs to intro to me ? D:
English and chinese :D 
and I want to buy a new headset !! D: My headset broken T ^ T
sad case -________-''
And mom said can buy a new one for me :D HELLO KITTY !!
Come to me , :DD hehehehehehe


Okay > <'' Now , in this month many people birthday and getting older liao !! xDD
HAHAHAHA!! but why your body size still smaller than me ? :^ 
I'm the youngest okay ?XD and 外表上 I'm the one be BIG SISTER ( 大姐大 !! ) XD
Sorry @ @''
 Last time is Angel , this time is Charlene :D
Charlene , the Spongebob's fans too :D 
The cake Joey bought and from 职员们 :3
Eileen :D Cake holder !!xD JKJK

Cake from our Geng :D
Both the cake is cheese cake !! :D GOSH !!
NICE BOOOOOM !! :D and nice look too :D
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :) and the cake is our meeting's dessert !!xD
Me keep fot :^ just eat a slice of cake nia > 口 <  and I'm not regret it xD

second :D ANGELYN !!
My beloved too :3 between , we never meet up together had fun  
:D but being your friends and saying someone bad thing also fun!! xDD

My leng lui , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY > . <
Sorry for not celebrate dao your birthday with you D:
Next year I 'll try to had fun on your birthday :D WAIT ME > . <

another one is Sing Jin :)

Hehehe , girl :) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY too 
hehehe :D Cheer up  > . < like me @ @'' hehe
sometime la , But I'm not the good example > . < Sorry , hehehe :)

The present I give 3 of you xDD!! HAHAHAHAHA
Enjoyed XP

Actually I'm decide not to eat McDonald on this month :^
But unluckily T________T my cute mom are 引诱 ( allure ?? ) ME !!
GOSH !! > . < plus up dad cook me 3 packs of noodles mee for sharing !!
ADUH !! I'm already lack of exercise le D: How to slim down with easily without move and eat more !!?
XD No ANSWER for my question /_______\ 
Another sad case -__-'' 
heehehehehehehehehehehehe :目 

Beside , Am I need to change my phone ? :^

They are killing me !!! > 口 < !! Because of them :D I'm start to love touch screen phone !
I'm regret what I 've said before that  " I'll not love touchscreen phone ever " :X
SORRY !! 我后悔了 /_______\ HAIH!! NO MONEY , so have to keep it 1st :3
Excited !! Sarawak haven't out stock yet > . <'' So I'm very 忧虑 xDD
HHHMMMMM~ > ^ <'' PISSING OFF MYSELF that getting more poor :O
Why the slim not my body but is my lovely wallet -______-''!! :^
ISH !! > 口 <

Natural?xD 自恋 :3 hehehehehehe -___________-''

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cutting hair

HALO !! :) How is your weekdays ? 
Is it okay ? x) For me , not really @ @''

Today I'm go cutting my hair  @ O @!!

Is it okay @ @'' Morning 我狂着拍我的长发
But only can like this / 口 \ 
Short horh :X Mom also same cut her hair !!xD
Almost the same our hair style , KAKAKAKA!!xDD

Beside , today also is 受难节 and my ANGEL LING 's birthday :D 

Girl , Stop emo :^

Ignore the tissue paper xD We're going to wedding day 
GOD BLESS YOU !! :D <3 hehehehehe


A song that I like now :D 
JoJo - Disaster , the one my blog song now :) heheheheh~ 
Thankyou Kong ( Zoey ) for sharing the song to me :) THANKYOU 


你说我变了 ? :) 我承认我变了
因为我只想要得我自己的自由 , 我要我自己的权力
:') 一些错的, 我想你们说声对不起 , 
对不起了 :'(


Sunday, April 1, 2012


HAHAHAHHA~ -___-'' Funny ?!
GOSH ! Today been fool by friends , completely ?!
/_______\ Stupid me > <'' ~

In the morning , wake up suddenly and switch on the light O . O
Then thinking - - - - - - ( lagging ) - - - - - - -
Owh ~ Now just 5 : 14 a.m !! What the hell wake up so early ?
Then go sleep again !!xDD
But over slept -______-'' Nervous mom and me get ready and had our breakfast at " He-Po "
Suddenly , O . O * SPLASH !!!! ( Raining drops )
Running cat and dog > . < Done our breakfast 15 minutes and reached to church :)
After reach church the 1st one is my ex :')  
Then I'm gonna go to 敬拜赞美 @ @'' Child de 
Erhem , the mic is low , Then been scold by Joey's Mom - ^ - '' 
冤枉 !!!!! 
After that start out Top - 4 lesson :O just almost 10 people larh~~ Not much for the 1st day :O
Next week maybe will be more :) 

On the second chong bai  ( 崇拜 ) :( Listen to Paster and heart are missing someone ~ 
My Prince Apple :') using Joey 's phone to message him , although he won't reply my message if
I'm the one message him :( Till 7 p.m just replied his message :'(
I wrote " Know who am I ?" - using Joey's number
7 p.m He replied : " No , who are you ? Do you know me ?"
I ask Joey to replied Grace Hii is missing him , but he replied that not gonna be work
the meaning is the truth wont happen bacause he DIN'T and NEVER will get back to me (Grace Hii)
HAHAHA~ It's not the April Fool !! :'( I  didn't play APRIL FOOL !!
My heart is broken ~ Thankyou Joey for helping , :')

Can I ask ? Why do you leaving me ? :(

Okay -___-'' Now , Ojibala liao ~ @ @ 
补充 :: Yesterday (Saturday) Youth :O about 环保世界 and more x)
WALAO !!xD kinda hot @ @'' and I'm the one be 领会 
Don't know how to explain -___-'' But I'm surely nervous on it !! DX
and badly -____-'' No wonder whose car are running to me Dx
I'm speak fast and pray together fast like train - -'' HAIH!!!
Dissapointed on myself :X and just Ignored me 
plus up , sad case always happen - -''

HAHAHAHA :D Enjoyed Coconut at the shop > . <
Actually , I can't eat it and drink the coconut juice cause it is bad to me D;
> . < But I don't care about it , hehehehe : 目
Then , I brought an I-PAD !!xD

HAHAHAHA :D Nice to play !! 
But still will lag larh :O 
The I-PAD is other people de > . < A girl same age with me 
Actually she is my friend - -'' from Sibu if not wrong ,
She went out from house alone and open a shop > . <''
Don't know what happen to her O . O Her I-Pad is at people's hand~
Leng lui lai de :) Sorry for not sharing her facebook here , 
But her out looking just like 18++ girl like me :X But she more older cause she is making up xD
So , if me and she stand together , I will be the yougest sister !!xD 
-_____-'' You can IGNORED me :D

Wash your mind here ? :) and your eyes :) 
My post is very 复杂 de xDD Very Complicated !! @ @''

And this is me Dx !!