LOLX ? My holiday gonna be [CLOSED] !!
1 week Chinese New Year really not enough for me XD
Come my blogging , have to be fast T . T
My Homework .................. not ever touch it !!
ALL HOMEWORK have to be hand up to teacher Monday -______-''
Thursday ?=O the Fourth day of Chinese New Year ?
have to work le -______- of course with parents lorh ~
HOT argh ~~ plus up all sit FULL orh O . O
just knew that during Chinese New Year will be many customers come to eat XD
No place to bai nian le XD HAHAHAHA !! neither me -_______-
Done my work around 1:30 pm ? When reached home , having a bath for my doggie , Oscar .
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"Hey, What's up ? Don't bath me , I hate water !!" |
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XD Sorry dear , you have to bath > <'' too smelly larh you!! Can't do the tajam tajam hair xD Short fur =X |
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His fur is WATER-PROOF de !!!! -______- Hard to let him wet , |
Pity Oscar XD !!! but I'm pity too , my shirt all his shampoo and wet !!-______-''
Then go bath xia , I'm felt not clean at all when i'm really finished my bath ,
after 30 minutes , Mom and sister suddenly said go watch movie =O
Go Merdeka Mall ,XD but more wish is together with Apple larh XD
Apple with family more good =X Then they can had a good relation > <'' * Think alot !!
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My new slipers , just the same with sister XD jus not the same sizes @ X @ |
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Our same type of DOLLS !!XD which one more cute?=X Mine is Princess , My sister's Mature Girl =) Her's nice too |
The movie We watch =)
XD HAHAHHAA~ not bad de movie =)
But mom also want to watch the Journey one , > <'' sorry ,
just because of me , you guys can't watch the movie =X Sorry and Thankyou !!> <''
Friday =O morning of course work
Full lorh -________- DAMN TIRED !!> <''
when done , computer-ing =) Chatting with Apple XD hahahahaha
Then go out eat dinner , but Apple is going to Ivy's house =O
suddenly call me to join too @ @'' WAO!! surprise dao lorh~
But have to done my diner 1st -________-
Near Parkson and Hotel there -_____- Don't know the name le
Sorry XD but want to organise to bloggers =) its really nice !! =D
But the price got little tooo...............Expensive for me larh > <'' so poor de me =X
GamXiak people like me will said like that lo XD
But really nice ! =) TRY IT!!XD for Miri 's people ,
Then try to rush to Ivy's house lor =X Thankyou Apple > <''
have your apple too XD and let me sit your car to go back home -____-'' THANKYOU!!
> <'' We having fun too XDD with Poker and Fireworks XD
We help the road having tattoo XDD!!
Nice to met you guys =) ! X)
Saturday =O I had Youth Tuan Bai !! in the morning to evening then evening go Gwen's house
I went her house Twice !!XD BIG =O and nice too XD
I just know i'm look like sakai -______- never know the modern things
HAHAHAHA , stupid horh XD
But the most speechless for me is / 口 \ I'm wait at GK for about 1 hour ?
Too lonely ? -______- Apple was at Permy site =O and stupid me why don't just went back had a bath
then come back GK ler?-______- just sit alone at stairs there emo-ing
Tired too > <'' Not dare to sleep -______- although been kidnapped > ________ <
So make myself awake!! @ @'' so buy some discs XD
DVD shop near =X buy two discs but no nice CD to here > <''
Then apple called me about 5 pm ? said Harold was there for 30 minutes ago ?
Then go find Harold loh =O , nothing can say lw -____-
Just a while , Apple is coming then Yvette come fetch us le =) Thankyou
To Gwen's house I don't ever eat a thing @ @'' My appetite gone > <''
just only eat a chocolate cloud 9 alone at the stairs then no le
My Apple 's plate XD Full lerh~ Thats why he is Strong? XD
Not really , -______- I'm the one strong larh~ He will easy get cold when he 's sensitive XO
Kinda worried too lorh -______-'' My boy ~~> <''
Then we're playing Poker again XD Uno too =)
Lucky me argh~~ sometime XD
Chat a lot too larh =) Its helping me too , improve my english -_____-
They talked english =) They're had the habit and the standard english ?X)
Sometime also will some bad words larh XD but i'm nt really mind that =) something usual
It's helping to improve my english is the most important la
Thankx Apple ? =) Then now try to speak English to my friends and family XD
Have fun too XD and having the time with Apple more > . <''
He must be tired -_______-''
Sunday !! WORSHIP and my Homework -______-
Everything is GAME OVER!!! T_________T can't sleep well -_________-
just because wanted to be more time with Apple =X
But afraid that he 's too tired ba =(
Sorry My Beloved , I'm the one make you tooo tired
But Thankyou too again to accompany me =^
I had the lovely day today with you =') Sure I LOVE YOU! X'P
And the massage , strawberry and apple today ? > /// < '' really sweet ~
But AlexGor and his family all ask me to say which one is my Boy T_______T
Sorry , I can't tell , although I will died -____- keep Jio-ing me and tell my mom accident-ly ?
Gonna died lw lorh~~ Sorry !! can't telling the truth / . \
But the most Important is my Apple larh =X
He is the one important person in my story <3
* Our pictures !! XD inside apple's phone , didn't take dao XP
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My beloved =) You are my love !! |
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I told you before , I'll never drunk !!XP |
To Apple ::
XPHAHAHAHA~~ Wait more 1 year to getting the sexy you wanted XD
I'm waiting you 1 year to take me every place we wanted to go
Waiting 2 years for me graduate my SPM -______-'' and so do you my beloved ,
My Homework !!-_______- had to be end here / . \
Don't know want to change school or not !!=( The Merbau is ............................................=@
Don't want me to take account just say ma -____- not need use the stupid reason to say to me SUCKS!!