Do you have fun in this 3 days school holidays ? > ^ <
My answer :: NOPE !! :( it's still not enough for me , Why I'm not the clever one
So that I not need to spend my time on tuition here and there !! HAIZ !!
plus up , in the holiday many events are going !! GOSH !!
:O I didn't anyone !! Example :: PC Fair -_-'' , shopping D: , Watching movies with friends ,
Celebrating friend's birthday D; , and many more -____-''
All spoil because I 've to help my parents to work in the shop @ @''
Unpatient on work now !! AARRGG!!
Today , -____-'' and last week played someone on message xDD!! [ My damn Ex ]
Cutey , Today He got a lovebite , :3 from his fiance -_____-''
( jealous ? Am I ? :O Maybe nope :) HEHEHEHE )
Maybe it's true there no more any feeling between both of us :)
But I will try to be more stronger than last time , I will tried to forget your dirty name
XD laugh is what I'm tried to happy myself ,
KAKAKAKAKA :X and so do you :) Now , we are strangers xD
But I will think about you , about my last , the stupid me :') hehehe
Don't worry , I will be strong on love -__-'' and I will get marridge too one day :)
after I gradute and found my work , :D Money come in my pocket :3
Getting rich and have my time :目 HAHAHA
Thinking tooooooo much xD
So now -___-'' I want to shout out !!
-______-'' Why there's no one believe on me ??GGGRRR~~
@ @'' Am I look like in relationship ? :O PITY me > . <
I'm tried to enjoy myself on single life xD !!
Latest few years never single :O but felt it before -_____-''
Everything past and now is thr truth :)
I'm SINGLE :D proud of myself ?:) Kinda xPP
MUSIC !! > . < is there new songs to intro to me ? D:
English and chinese :D
and I want to buy a new headset !! D: My headset broken T ^ T
sad case -________-''
And mom said can buy a new one for me :D HELLO KITTY !!
Come to me , :DD hehehehehehe
Okay > <'' Now , in this month many people birthday and getting older liao !! xDD
HAHAHAHA!! but why your body size still smaller than me ? :^
I'm the youngest okay ?XD and 外表上 I'm the one be BIG SISTER ( 大姐大 !! ) XD
Sorry @ @''
Last time is Angel , this time is Charlene :D
Charlene , the Spongebob's fans too :D |
The cake Joey bought and from 职员们 :3 |
Eileen :D Cake holder !!xD JKJK |
Cake from our Geng :D |
Both the cake is cheese cake !! :D GOSH !!
NICE BOOOOOM !! :D and nice look too :D
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :) and the cake is our meeting's dessert !!xD
Me keep fot :^ just eat a slice of cake nia > 口 < and I'm not regret it xD
second :D ANGELYN !!
My beloved too :3 between , we never meet up together had fun
:D but being your friends and saying someone bad thing also fun!! xDD
My leng lui , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY > . <
Sorry for not celebrate dao your birthday with you D:
Next year I 'll try to had fun on your birthday :D WAIT ME > . <
another one is Sing Jin :)
Hehehe , girl :) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY too
hehehe :D Cheer up > . < like me @ @'' hehe
sometime la , But I'm not the good example > . < Sorry , hehehe :)
The present I give 3 of you xDD!! HAHAHAHAHA
Enjoyed XP |
Actually I'm decide not to eat McDonald on this month :^
But unluckily T________T my cute mom are 引诱 ( allure ?? ) ME !!
GOSH !! > . < plus up dad cook me 3 packs of noodles mee for sharing !!
ADUH !! I'm already lack of exercise le D: How to slim down with easily without move and eat more !!?
XD No ANSWER for my question /_______\
Another sad case -__-''
heehehehehehehehehehehehe :目 |
Beside , Am I need to change my phone ? :^
They are killing me !!! > 口 < !! Because of them :D I'm start to love touch screen phone !
I'm regret what I 've said before that " I'll not love touchscreen phone ever " :X
SORRY !! 我后悔了 /_______\ HAIH!! NO MONEY , so have to keep it 1st :3
Excited !! Sarawak haven't out stock yet > . <'' So I'm very 忧虑 xDD
HHHMMMMM~ > ^ <'' PISSING OFF MYSELF that getting more poor :O
Why the slim not my body but is my lovely wallet -______-''!! :^
ISH !! > 口 <
Natural?xD 自恋 :3 hehehehehehe -___________-'' |