Congratulatex me that I'm get back my Single x)
Where is Apple ? x') He's leave me , ;'D actually I've to be happy -______-
For his happiness and so do I ? x'O I think so , =X
20.12.2011 , x') miss this time very much ,
and when after this Party finished , I'm began to think about your 2012's birthday again
I wished it will happen again with you and me plus up Harold and Eileen ,
But now , there's nothing and no reason to get the party with you again ? x'D
HAHAHA~ This year your birthday , 20.12.2012 ,
all 2 0 1 2 xD HAHAH!! Funny ! same as Kong (Zoey)
HAHAH~ =) It's a little bit hard to let down -______-'' and his STUPID reason ,
make me can't let down Him ='( Alot of people said that useless cried for him ,
Sometime , I will be tried to be fine and stop cried for it , but sometime I'm sorry ,
It's really hurt me a lot D'; I know , He never loved , and I'm tried and accepted it ='D
Bel Bel , I do miss you too , hehehehe =')
Okay , =D now , I suddenly love that 1 week just study for 3 days xDD !!
Just like last week xD , Monday till Wednesday is study at school ,
Then the another 2 days were for US to had a GREAT TIME !!XD
Beside than others students were being black at Stadium =X hehehehehehe
Thrusday , xD Our plans are coming .........................................
Stadium → CoffeeShop → Starbuck → Bowling → PizzaHut → Shopping xD → Popular
→ ImperialMall → Shopping again xP → Boulevard → Home !!
XD Isn't it great ?XD
Changing XD ~~ |
原谅自恋的我 /_______\ |
LAKSA's fan XD!! |
Super like this photo =D Thankyou Kong !! |
HAGI ?! I'm Grace xP |
Hehe , I'm Zoey a.k.a Kong XD |
Erm , I'm the just now Laksa's fan =3 Cheryl ~ |
StarBuck's 代言人来了!! XD ↑↑↑ |
Captured by Zoey =D 艺术的来了 xD |
告诉你 -____-'' 我承认我肥了ho~~讨厌 > /// 口 /// < |
我们 ............... 拍照了啦~~!!XD |
Captured 2 =O |
保龄来了 HAIYA!! |
当然不忘了拍照呀 XD YEAH~~ |
讨厌~~ 害羞叻 , 第一次玩保龄球,就有很好的意念哟 XP |
这就是我们的全体照 /_____\ 少了一个摄影师(Zoey) |
P.K !!! P.K !! 输了请客 !!XD |
别小看我 XP 我可是爱玩的哟=D |
怕什么 ? GOAL !! 赢了!!XD |
吃东西时间到了呀 ~ |
肚子饿饿饿饿饿!! |
来搞恶作剧了 /______\ 我中招!! |
这就是 -______- 我所说的咯 , 无辜的我 T_________T |
上汤了 !!XD |
=DD |
PIZZA 来咯~~ |
享受午餐 , 便拍照 =D |
后来去Popular看咯 =O Zoey 要这个 XD NO EXCUSES! |
可惜 -___- 这时候我回家了 /___\ 刚好看到妈妈在富丽华 =3 回家咯 |
本来是说第二天也一起再去玩得 =D 可惜还是不能
> < 没关系 ;D 放假过后一定能的咯 @@ 应该 -______-''
开心就好啦 ~ =D 很难的一起出去玩得那么上瘾 !!
现在玩归玩啊 ~ 考试来了 -_________-'' Da ji Do diao料咯
/______\ 在学校孤独的我 @@ 爱睡 -_-'' 更不用说书到底读的进 =(
我也蛮担心的啦 ~ 一向来我的成绩本来就不是很好的说 ,
不能和小敏,Kong,志镇,长杰他们也是应该的啦 =')
只要我们还是同心的在一起就好 XD 幼稚的我们还是要继续 便玩 XD
话说回来啦!! 重点是考试 -______-!!
/__________\ 只能说加油呗 ~~ T________T
考完了就一起出去HAPPY了 ~ 不管成绩先吧 -_______-''
加油哦~~!!! @@
/______________\ END。
我自己说什么都不知道 -_____-'' Stupid me , !